The Best Damn Gluten-Free Flour Recipe Ever!

Oh sure, there are gluten-free flour recipes on the internet and ready-made bags on the grocery shelves. But you have never tried my Momma’s gluten-free flour recipe! This is a total game-changer and blows the others out of the water. Just stating the truth. Try it. I double dog dare you to say any different.

Yes, you can bake this with gluten-free flour! Photo by Tamara Malaniy on Unsplash

I mentioned in another post that my mother made delicious crepes. She is also an exceptional baker, creating the kind of tender-crumb cakes and treats that Boomers, Gen Jones, and Gen X may have grown up eating. You know, cinnamon swirl coffee cake, meringue cake, bundt cakes, shortbread, fully homemade apple pie, and German stollen bread at Christmas time. Yes, them! The kind of cakes that were made when moms were not always away at work all day long. Now that she’s in her 90s, she doesn’t bake much anymore. But those mad baking skills still live within her!

Why make a gluten-free flour recipe when they sell the stuff already made?

Obviously, back in the day when we weren’t Celiacs, she used regular flour for her baking. However, the non-Celiac days ended, and it became clear that a gluten-free flour recipe would be needed to make gluten-free versions of the cakes and treats. The store-bought cup-for-cup flours left her largely unimpressed with the results.

Me, I’m just happy to mow down on gluten-free desserts, but Momma is waaaaaay pickier about the integrity of her baked goods, and set out experimenting with quite a few gluten-free flour recipes. She left no stone unturned! When store-bought items are not meeting the high Momma baking standard, it’s time to take swift culinary action. (See how I’m building you up here? Don’t worry, it will be worth it.)

And what could be better than eating all that extra baking as she experimented?

Nothing! That’s what. It was a particularly yummy time to go and visit.

My mother, the gluten-free flour judge

Her tested gluten-free flour recipes all seemed to give tasty baking results, but their technical prowess always fell short of her baking mandates. Too flat, too dense, too heavy, too brittle, too soft, too… Momma’s brutally honest critical evaluations would have made her a formidable TV talent show judge. She was literally the Simon Cowell of this gluten-free flour recipe competition. She noticed things about the contestant recipes as only an accomplished baker would and cut them no slack.

And then the announcement was made: the gluten-free flour recipe now had a winner! Baking perfection? Achieved! This was good for a few reasons, the best of which was that getting to sample more of her baking. She had decided to debut the perfect flour mix on my favorite, her coconut cake with it’s tasty, toasty, crackly top. (If you’d like the recipe write in the comments and I’ll do a separate post on that!).

How good a judge was she?

Let me tell you with no exaggeration that it’s a legit thing of beauty when a gluten-free item tastes EXACTLY the same as the gluten-full item. And this certainly did. This is a loaf cake, yet light with a tender crumb. Moist, risen perfectly, and absolutely delicious! Momma’s quest for the perfect gluten-free flour recipe was TOTALLY with merit, as the perfect flour does contribute so much to the perfect baked item.

Every single recipe she makes with this is perfect in texture and flavor. Her one complaint about “shortbread not holding its edge” is quite minor. Instead of a square edge on her round shortbread wheels, they now have a gently sloped edge. But they taste exactly the same!

Momma slayed.

Now you’re ready for the best damn gluten-free flour recipe

You know that this is something I could totally gatekeep, but that would be morally wrong. So I will do the right thing and share…hell, you DESERVE to be privvy to my Momma’s gluten-free flour recipe! We’re all Celiac friends here. So with much fanfare…

  • 3 Cups white rice flour
  • 3 Cups brown rice flour
  • 2 Cups sweet rice flour
  • 2 Cups tapioca flour
  • 3 or 4 Tbsp Xanthan Gum

Mix well. You now have 10 cups of perfect gluten-free flour mixed up and ready to go and be used anywhere gluten flour can be used.

Now go to your bulk ingredients provider or order them online. Make yourself a big ol’mix of this gluten-free flour and keep it in a pretty canister on your meticulously curated shelves like this fine piece of pantry porn from an unknown creator that @agv_my_lifestyle posted on Instagram:

Are you looking at this and dying? I know, right? Me too. I lust this gorgeous, modern, minimalist pantry! I just have crap jammed in my cupboard in their little plastic bags, but my game might need to be upped.

Let me know what you make with my Momma’s gluten-free flour recipe and how it turned out for you!

Happy Eating! x

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